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A businessman to fix Sutter County!

I started as field worker picking peaches. I worked hard to start my own farm and built it up with my own hands into a successful business. That’s the American dream. But for many Americans, that dream is fading away.

I won’t stand on the sidelines and do nothing while crime and homelessness skyrocket, roads and infrastructure crumble, and our children have fewer opportunities to build a future here in Sutter County.  We cannot afford quiet officials who sit on the sidelines, we need to elect people who will get their hands dirty.

We need bold leaders who aren’t afraid to stand up and know how to get things done.  This is a time for action.

I’m not beholden to any special interests, and I have the energy and passion to demand real action to tackle homelessness and clear encampments from our river beds and public spaces, rebuild our economy and help businesses create new jobs, preserve farmlands, stand up for law enforcement and give them the resources to keep our neighborhoods safe, and rebuild our roads and levees. 

Together, we can build a better future for Sutter County - for my family and yours.
I’ll work hard to earn your vote - and as Supervisor, I will listen to voters,  speak out for real change, and demand real action from day 1.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024 6:47 PM

29 March 2023 - Feather River California Temple Helping to Foster Relationships With Sikh, Hindu Neighbors


Several years ago Tumber’s parents sold part of their 100-acre property in Yuba City to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to house a stake center — and now the Feather River temple. “The relationship that we established with the Church through the years and now with the temple, I feel like it’s a part of us, our family.”

Staples expressed appreciation for Sarb Thiara, president of the Sikh temple, who made their visit possible. Thiara was unable to attend but commented on receiving a positive report of the event.

“The information I got was that it was very great and everybody enjoyed it. It was a good learning experience for both sides,” Thiara told the Church News.

Thiara explained that Sikhs are welcoming and accepting of all individuals. Like the four doors of the Golden Temple in India, “our religion is open to everyone,” he said. “It doesn’t matter what faith you’re from — we open our doors. That’s what we believe and that’s what I believe. … I hope everybody that came, they feel the same way that we do.”


Tuesday, January 9, 2024 6:41 PM

Cómo el Templo de Feather River, California, está ayudando a fomentar las relaciones con sus vecinos sij e hindúes


Hace varios años, los padres de Tumber vendieron parte de su propiedad de 40 hectáreas en Yuba City a La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días para albergar un centro de estaca — y ahora el templo de Feather River. “La relación que establecimos con la Iglesia a través de los años y ahora con el templo, siento que es parte de nosotros, nuestra familia”.

Staples expresó su aprecio por Sarb Thiara, presidente del templo sij, quien hizo posible su visita. Thiara no pudo asistir pero comentó haber recibido un informe positivo del evento.

“La información que obtuve fue que fue muy bueno y todos lo disfrutaron. Fue una buena experiencia de aprendizaje para ambas partes”, dijo Thiara a Church News.


Tuesday, January 9, 2024 6:37 PM

Local Farmer Donates 40,000 Pounds of Food


YUBA CITY, Calif. (KRCR) — A farmer donated 40,000 pounds of food and water to the Yuba-Sutter Covid-19 Relief Task Force to help with relief efforts.

The donation was made on Saturday, May 2, by Sarb Thiara, a local farmer and businessman.


The relief task force says these items will be distributed to the roughly two dozen local pantries that are serving food-insecure families in the Yuba-Sutter area.

The relief task force says in addition to the food donation, Thiara recently provided a personal contribution of $5,000 to their effort.


Tuesday, October 3, 2023 8:56 PM

Businessman to run for Sutter County Supervisor.


Who are you?

1. Who are you? I’m Sarb Thiara, long-time resident of Sutter County. I am a Farmer, businessperson and community volunteer… not a politician. My wife and I have three children and two beautiful granddaughters.

2. What makes you the best candidate? I built my business and my farms from the ground up. I am an innovative decision maker and above all, a problem solver. We need officials that will stand up to make the tough decisions, not sit silently on the sidelines. I will get the job done!

3. What top priorities would you champion, if elected? Safely re-open our schools/community. We’ll also need to re-adjust our priorities post-covid. Public Safety – I support Public Safety and will not vote to de-fund police, putting our community at risk. Homelessness – We need to reduce the impact homelessness and vagrancy has on our neighborhoods, businesses and rivers, while helping those in need. Affordable housing and behavioral health services are needed.



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